Episode 31: Menopause and Midlife Clinics do Exist.
Episode Summary:
In midlife, many women have experienced feeling unheard by their physicians when it comes to the symptoms that come along with menopause. Our guest today wants to change that through education and acknowledgment of the symptoms you may be facing. Dr. Heather Hirsch is the director of a newly opened Menopause and Midlife clinic. Dr. Heather Hirsch wants to give a voice to a demographic of women who are truly ignored in today’s society. In this episode, we discuss some of the many resources that Dr. Heather Hirsch has to offer on varying topics surrounding midlife and how you can start learning more about your unique journey through menopause and beyond! We are learning that Menopause and Midlife clinics do exist.
Dr. Heather Hirsch

Our guest is Dr. Heather Hirsch, a board-certified internal medicine physician with a specialty in both internal medicine and office gynecology. Dr. Heather Hirsch has a focus on menopause, hormone therapy, contraception, and family planning. Dr. Heather Hirsch recently opened the Menopause and Midlife Clinic Brigham and Women’s Hospital of the Harvard Medical School in Boston where she is the director. Here she evaluates patients for all kinds of symptoms that come along with perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. In Dr. Heather Hirsch’s research, she focuses on the inequalities and unanswered questions in women’s health specifically dealing with menopause and its roles in chronic disease development. Dr. Heather Hirsch has a passion for teaching the next generation of physicians on how they can actually listen to their patients when talking about menopause, mental health, and any other midlife issues.
Menopause and Midlife Clinic Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Boston

A specialized care clinic for menopause that is now in Boston!
- The goal is to treat symptoms and improve the quality of life of the patient while also empowering, educating, and boosting the confidence of the patient.
- Dr. Heather Hirsch knows how different menopause is in each patient. The clinic encourages women in midlife to share their stories and get the specialized care they need.
- Some of the patients most often seen come with some of the following conditions:
- Perimenopause (the transition to menopause)
- Early and Premature Menopause
- Women at high risk for breast cancer and breast cancer survivors
- Common symptoms of patients seen are:
- Hot Flashes
- Sleep Disturbances
- Mood Disturbances
- Vaginal Discomfort
- Painful Intercourse and Sexual Dysfunction
- Weight Gain
- Mental Health
Online Course on Menopause Education
- Dr. Heather Hirsch is a board-certified internist and fellowship trained expert on menopause. She has formulated a 6-hour comprehensive course that will help you master the fundamentals that come with your menopause transition.
- The course answers many of the common questions that surround menopause and midlife such as:
- Treatment Options Available
- Sexual Health
- Breast Heath
- Bone Heath
- And so much more!
- Dr. Heather Hirsch has also included with the course a number of customized PDF’s and even a letter to give to your doctor to start the conversation.
- This course was developed for you the patient in mind!
You can check out this course and some customized mini courses here! [https://www.heatherhirschmd.com/course/]
Women’s Health Podcast
- Dr. Heather Hirsch hosts the podcast, Women’s Heath by Heather Hirsch. She uses the podcast to bring women’s health and education to everyone! Covering all things women’s health from young adolescents to midlife, to post-menopause.
- Dr. Heather Hirsch holds the mission to expose the gaps in women’s healthcare and bring information to women all over the world!
In this episode, we discuss…
- [0:01] Show Introduction
- [0:22] Introducing Our Guest
- [2:55] Start of the Interview
- [3:46] Opening a Midlife and Menopause Clinic
- [5:17] Typical Problems Dr. Hirsch Sees
- [7:11] The Overwhelming Response to the Clinic
- [8:38] How Many Menopause Clinics Are in the U.S.?
- [10:06] Education and Awareness for Midlife Issues
- [12:05] Approaching and Understanding the Misconceptions around Hormone’s in Midlife
- [14:50] Dr. Hirsch’s Online Menopause Course
- [19:54] Helping Women Become Validated in Their Journey
- [21:18] Some Symptoms and Problems Seen in Post-Menopause
- [23:57] Women’s Health Podcast with Dr. Heather Hirsch
- [26:44] Suggestions for Increased Migraines
- [28:37] Having Children Later in Life
- [29:52] Increase in Women in the Medical Field
- [31:37] The 5 Points for Women’s Midlife health
- [36:46] Where to Start in Your Menopause Journey?
- [40:00] Closing Thoughts
- [43:28] Outro
Useful Resources
The North American Menopause Society [http://www.menopause.org/]
Menopause & Midlife Clinic Brigham and Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School
Midlife Articles | [http://hotflashescooltopics.com/midlife-articles/]
Drug Trials for Menopause Receptor Symptom Blocker [https://www.kandytherapeutics.com/pipeline/]
Women’s Health Podcast Selected Episodes Mentioned
14 | 10 Common Myths about Hormone Therapy
18| 5 Things You Can Do to Change the Landscape for Midlife Women’s Healthcare
21 | Top 10 Women’s Health Advancements in 2019
Want to Connect with Dr. Heather Hirsch?
Website [https://www.heatherhirschmd.com/]
The Menopause Course [https://www.heatherhirschmd.com/course/]
Women’s Health Podcast [https://www.heatherhirschmd.com/podcasts/]
LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-hirsch-md-ms-ncmp-161556168/]
Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/heatherhirschmd/?rf=172307880270322]
Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/hormone.health.doc/?hl=en]
Twitter [https://twitter.com/heatherhirschMD?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor]
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