Empty Nest: Chapter 1 of Changing the Narrative. We start at the beginning of the Empty Nest journey. Some parents start to panic when a chid begins high school, others when he or she starts senior year of high school and finally some parents wait until they are driving onto campus for move in day. Whenever this panic sets in, it is the start of a myriad of emotions that parents will go through as they say goodbye to their children and to an important chapter of their lives.
Many come back to an empty house and are at a complete loss as to what comes next. If they aren’t a mom or dad driving carpool, making lunches and helping with homework, then who are they? We talk about these emotions and how to search for a new normal.
The sadness of a child leaving home for college or moving out can be overwhelming but it does not have to be the only feeling you experience. Joy can be another emotion. The joy of discovering a new you, one with passions long forgotten or a dream set aside. Try to remember something that you wanted to do: traveling, volunteering, reading or exercising. It can help you stay busy and meet new people.
We also talk about our own experiences and all the “Don’t Do’s” that we did. We broke many of the rules but some worked for us and others didn’t. Our point is to try something to get out of the sad “empty nest” mindset and focus on a new beginning for yourself,
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Empty Nest: Chapter 1 of Changing the Narrative
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Useful Sources:
4 Things They Never Tell You About Empty Nest Syndrome by Shelley Emling
7 Life Hacks to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome,