Group: How One Therapist and a Circle of Strangers Saved Author Christie Tate’s Life


We have an funny and enlightening conversation with Christie Tate, author of Group: How One Therapist and a Group of Strangers Saved My Life.   Group has been described as a “refreshingly original debut memoir of a guarded, over-achieving, self-lacerating young lawyer who reluctantly agrees to get psychologically and emotionally naked in a room of six complete strangers—her psychotherapy group—and in turn finds human connection, and herself.”

Christie shares her experiences, her challenges and triumphs and her life journey this week on Hot Flashes & Cool Topics.

Christie Tate:

(according to her website)

Christie Tate is a Chicago-based writer and essayist. She has been published in The New York Times (Modern Love), The RumpusThe Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, McSweeney’s Internet TendencyEastern Iowa Review, and elsewhereKiese Laymon selected her essay, Promised Lands, as the winner of the New Ohio Review’s nonfiction contest, which was published Fall 2019.


In this episode, we discuss…

Useful Resources:

Christie’s Website I [ ]

Christie’s Instagram I [@christieotate ]

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