

As owner of Sound Bites Nutrition and author of numerous thyroid cookbooks, including The Healing Gout Cookbook and The Complete Thyroid Cookbook, Lisa Andrews is an expert on thyroid health. In today’s episode, we sat down with Lisa to discuss what our thyroids do, the symptoms of thyroid irregularities, thyroid treatment, and the dietary habits that can help maintain a healthy thyroid. First, we asked Lisa about why thyroids are important for our health. She explained that our thyroid is a within the endocrine system, working closely with the pituitary gland. Our thyroid helps us with metabolism regulation, temperature regulation, blood pressure, and preventing cardiac arrythmia. Thyroid testing is not required in doctor’s visits; however, it is important to check on your thyroid if you begin to experience symptoms. When asked what symptoms arise when a thyroid is acting irregularly, Lisa told us that thyroid issues are split into two categories: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. For hypothyroidism, the thyroid is underactive, causing issues such as weight gain, hair loss, temperature dysregulation, anxiety, and depression. For hyperthyroidism, the thyroid is overactive, and the main symptom caused by this is unexplained and sudden weight loss. Although thyroid issues can occur at any age, many are officially diagnosed during perimenopause or after a woman has given birth. Lisa said that this is due to the fluctuation of hormones in a woman’s body, leading to potential issues with her thyroid. 

Unlike other forms of thyroid problems, Hashimoto’s disease coincides with other issues. We asked Lisa about the disease, and she explained that Hashimoto’s is the most common form of autoimmune hypothyroidism. People with Hashimoto’s have autoimmune diseases that attack their thyroid, causing dysfunction. When asked how to test for thyroid problems, Lisa said that there are different kinds of tests. One tests the TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, and when levels are elevated, it is indicative of hypothyroidism. Other tests evaluate T3 and T4 hormones, which are needed for the body’s production of epinephrine. Once tested, Lisa said that treatment options vary depending on symptoms and doctor recommendations. Common forms of treatment are dietary modifications and medications. 

We then spoke to Lisa about the connection between thyroid health and food. She told us that, for autoimmune diseases, certain nutrients can cause immune responses that damage the thyroid. By changing your diet, you change your gut bacteria which can result in better hormone regulation and thyroid function. Eating more plant-based foods, protein, and iodized salt can help your thyroid. Lisa also talked about forms of dieting for thyroid health. For elimination provocation, she said it involves cutting out foods that are common allergens that could trigger thyroid disease, such as wheat, soy, shellfish, corn, and eggs. By cutting out these foods and waiting 3-4 weeks before reintroducing them, you can see what your body has a reaction to and which foods to avoid. For the Paleo diet, Lisa explained that it involves cutting out grains and diary. She warned that the Paleo diet is a restrictive diet but can help PCOS, thyroid problems, and weight management. We then asked about food recommendations for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and Lisa said that for hyperthyroidism, avocados, grains, and cooking with oil can help regain nutrients. For hypothyroidism, she suggested eating enough protein, fruits, vegetables, and beans. 

When asked about Gout, Lisa explained that gout involves sudden inflammation of small bones in the hands and feet. This inflammation can cause unexplained, excruciating pain. She said that gout is more common in men than women, and for risks, obesity, alcohol intake, and calcium deficiency are factors. For dietary habits to help avoid inflammation, Lisa suggested avoiding processed foods and sugars and limiting your intake of full fat dairy products. We also talked to Lisa about supplements, and she told us that she believes supplements should only be taken if issues arise, since taking unnecessary or excess supplements can damage the body. Finally, we asked Lisa how often patients should ask their doctors about thyroid tests. Lisa said that she believes everyone should have their thyroid tested at least once to get base numbers. However, since thyroid tests are not routine, you should only ask for one if you are having symptoms. 

Lisa Andrews

Lisa Andrews is the owner of Sound Bites Nutrition in Cincinnati where she shares her nutrition knowledge through teaching, counseling, cooking demos, and freelance writing. She has over 30 years of experience in the field of nutrition. Lisa is the author of The Healing Gout Cookbook, The Complete Thyroid Cookbook, and upcoming Heart Health Meal Prep Cookbook.  She is active in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as a House Delegate representative for Ohio and has served as president and chair on professional issues. Lisa’s line of food pun swag, Lettuce beet hunger supports those suffering food insecurity in Cincinnati. She lives in Ohio with her husband Ryan, daughters Iris and Maria and her cats, Mozart and Snickers.

In this episode, we discuss…

  • [0:01] Introduction
  • [0:21] Guest Introduction
  • [3:17] Start of Interview
  • [3:52] What is Your Thryoid?
  • [4:47] Symptoms of Irregular Thyroid Functioning
  • [6:48] Thyroid Issues and Menopause
  • [7:44] Hashimoto’s Disease
  • [8:42] Thyroid Tests
  • [10:29] Thyroid Treatments
  • [12:20] Thyroid Health and Food
  • [14:32] Elimination Provocation
  • [16:53] The Paleo Diet
  • [18:59] Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism Food Recommendations
  • [21:10] Gout
  • [23:11] Dietary Habits to Help Avoid Inflammation
  • [26:11] Dietary Supplements
  • [29:40] Asking for a Thryoid Tests
  • [30:44] Closing Thoughts
  • [32:23] Outro

Useful Resources:

Sound Bites Nutrition I [https://soundbitesnutrition.com/]

Lettuce Beet Hunger I [https://soundbitesnutrition.com/cart/https-wp-me-p6otdq-19l/shop/]

Sound Bites Nutrition’s Facebook I [https://www.facebook.com/soundbitesnutritionllc]

Lisa’s LinkedIn I [https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-andrews-1597746/]

Lisa’s Twitter I [https://twitter.com/nutrigirl]

Lisa’s Instagram I [https://www.instagram.com/nutrigirl66/]

Lisa’s Books

The Healing Gout Cookbook I [https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Gout-Cookbook-Anti-Inflammatory-Recipes/dp/1646114469/ref=asc_df_1646114469/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=509159807707&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11646226499347901585&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvloc]

The Complete Thyroid Cookbook I [https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Thyroid-Cookbook-Hypothyroidism-Hashimotos/dp/1648765467]

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