Dr. Mariza Snyder is an Amazon best-selling author, wife, and educator on wellness and essential oils. Her expertise of essential oils has helped with indigestion, migraines, perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, and much more. In today’s episode, we sat down with Dr. Snyder to discuss her book, The Essential Oils Menopause Solution, how essential oils help our bodies, and the different ways to use essential oils. We first asked Dr. Snyder what inspired her to write The Essential Oils Menopause Solution, the book she believes is her best one. She explained to us that while on tour for another one of her best-selling books, Essential Oils Hormone Solution, she realized how many women in the audience were in midlife. Many audience members had questions about how essential oils can help with symptoms specifically associated with menopause, and Dr. Snyder was then motivated to help give them answers. Many women cannot take regular courses of treatment for menopause, such as hormone replacement therapy, so essential oils are an alternative solution that is quick and easy. Dr. Snyder learned about the benefits of essential oils for perimenopause and menopause through helping her own mother when she went through it. Her mother had used a synthetic estrogen patch and ended up having nasty side effects, causing her to have suicidal thoughts. She was eventually weaned off the patch, and Dr. Snyder showed her how to incorporate essential oils into treating perimenopausal symptoms. After two months, her mother lost weight, had no more hot flashes, and her depression had gotten better.
When asked to explain the logistics of essential oils for those who may not know, Dr. Snyder said that they are natural chemicals found in plants all around the world. These chemicals are then extracted and used for a multitude of benefits, including immune system support, reducing hot flashes, boosting acetylcholine in the body, and more. There are three ways to use essential oils: aromatic, topical, and internal use. Aromatic essential oils are the most powerful, for smell is the most powerful sense in our bodies. When we smell something, signals are sent to our hypothalamus, telling our body whether to run or relax. Using essential oils such as lavender and frankincense help calm our bodies down and can even reduce blood pressure within 60 seconds of use. Essential oils can also be used to wake us up, and for motivation, Dr. Snyder’s favorite essential oils blend is called the “get stuff done” blend. The bled consists of two teaspoons of carrier oil, ten drops of peppermint, and ten drops of any citrus, and is used through aromatherapy.
Migraines in both perimenopause and menopause are very common due to the imbalance of estrogen levels. Dr. Snyder told us that essential oils can be of great use to reducing migraines, and even uses them herself as an alternative to migraine medication. Topical essential oils are specifically great for migraines, for they target an area of concern. Topical oils can be used on the backs of necks and shoulders to release tension, for digestive issues, stress support, on feet, and for any pained areas on the body. For internal use of essential oils, the oils are encapsulated and then swallowed to help various issues within the body. Essential oil capsules can help with digestive issues, canker sores, and more. However, they are not recommended for children under the age of 12.
Loss of libido is another menopausal symptom, and Dr. Snyder explained that along with guidance from doctors, essential oils can be used to help with dryness due to lack of estrogen. Lavender, cinnamon, and rose are especially helpful with libido loss, especially if they are run with a bath. Although essential oils cannot restore estrogen levels, they help alleviate the symptoms associated with a dip in estrogen and can boost one’s sex drive. When asked about some of the myths she’s heard surrounding menopause, Dr. Snyder said that the main one she’s consistently been told is that women are less useful as we age. Using both her book and personal experiences to debunk the myth and rewrite the narrative is something she’s very passionate about. Midlife women are, if anything, more useful; we’re at a time in our lives when we’re confident in who we are and have both experience and knowledge.
In The Essential Oils Menopause Solution, there is a section of bonus content. Dr. Snyder explained that when she first wrote the book, she ended up writing 100,000 more words than the publishing house wanted. Unable to fit all of the information into her final draft, she added the removed sections as bonus content. She wanted readers to be able to obtain as much information about menopause and essential oils as possible, even from the parts of her book that had been taken out. While discussing her book, we talked about food cravings and asked if there are any essential oils that can help curb cravings. Dr. Snyder told us that peppermint can be up to 80% effective and curbing food cravings. It can also be used for exercise and to boost brain function. Finally, we asked where the best places to find her books are. She said the best places to go to purchase her books are Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and her website,
Mariza Snyder
From her website:
I’m Dr. Mariza [mah-REE-suh] – educator, Amazon best-selling author, wife, and Wellness Advocate. I am passionate about helping you to become more empowered with simple healthy habits that YOU can do TODAY! Here on this site is where I get to learn more about you, share insights, and empower women and their families to feel and live the best life through plant-based, whole-food nutrition, essential oils, easy-to-follow habits, and mood-boosting remedies. I am thrilled to be on this wellness journey with you!
Eleven years ago, I was chronically sick, feeling wired and tired, and experiencing a sensation of constant overwhelming from the combination of both work and going to graduate school to become a practitioner. I never seemed to have enough energy to get through the day. I was juggling too many responsibilities and suffering from some major consequences. One day, I looked up and didn’t recognize the tired stranger in the mirror. I didn’t feel like myself anymore.
Like many women I know, I was being held captive by crazy unbalanced hormones and overwhelmed with life. I come from a lineage of hormone imbalance and grew up watching my mom suffer from mood swings, lack of energy, and sleepless nights. During my mid-twenties, I was chronically tired, 35-pounds overweight, constantly cranky, and oftentimes feeling super unsexy. I felt like I had lost control of my body while doing all of the things that I thought were “right” for me at the time. Caffeine became the key to surviving each day.
I realized that I needed to change my lifestyle if I wanted to feel like my old self again. I started with simple changes. I began eating more plants and cooking at home. Leafy green vegetables became a staple in my diet. Green smoothies provided a simple daily habit that produced the necessary energy to start my day without caffeine. Then, I focused on yoga, dance, and fun exercises that I enjoyed. My stress level decreased and my energy increased, the excess weight started to melt off, and I began to feel like myself again. Over time, I explored more healthy habits: positive journaling, hiking on nice days, and using essentials oils and whole food supplements to keep me and my family healthy.
I reclaimed my life and my body! On my journey, I learned that 80% of what we do on a daily basis dictates the life that we live later. I want that life to be rich, healthy, and filled with amazing experiences. In my 10 years educating on healthy lifestyle habits, I have helped thousands of women to lose weight, sleep better, lower cortisol levels, and reclaim their lost energy. I have seen women transformed both emotionally and physically…and get the body that they have always longed for.
I’m here to help you live a beautiful, healthy, and abundant life.
To date, I’ve written 6 books, the most recent being about one of my absolute favorite subjects – essential oils! Maybe one of my books will be the perfect fit for YOU!
My goal is to help you to become a healer in your own home through self-directed plant-based nutrition and medicine. My recommendations do not come in a prescription bottle. My solutions range from recipes to detoxes, from essential oils and supplements to lifestyle habits that you can engage in very easily without disrupting your busy life.
I am an avid lover of essential oils. I found them to be incredibly effective in helping with everyday mood-boosting, restful sleep, digestive support, and cleansing, just to name a few.
My other great passion is helping women to create a life that they love to live! I have an incredible opportunity for all of you to work with me and to become a Wellness Advocate on this incredible wellness journey. Join me and my amazing team to create a grass-roots movement in communities throughout the United States to share the message of simple, daily health habits.
The biggest transformation that I experienced was with the application of plant-based nutrition and pure therapeutic essential oils. If you would love to learn more, you can find out how essential oils can bridge the gap in your wellness journey here.
In this episode, we discuss…
- [0:01] Introduction
- [0:20] Guest Introduction
- [4:28] Start of Interview
- [5:11] What Inspired The Essential Oils Menopause Solution
- [8:31] Helping Her Mother Through Menopause
- [12:32] What are Essential Oils?
- [18:25] “Get Stuff Done” Blend
- [21:04] Sunset Lake CBD
- [22:24] Essential Oils and Migraines
- [23:33] Topicals
- [26:46] Internal Use of Essential Oils
- [27:57] Essential Oils for Low Libido
- [30:46] Myths of Menopause
- [33:15] Bonus Content in The Essential Oils Menopause Solution
- [35:17] Essential Oils for Curbing Cravings
- [38:09] Where to Find Dr. Snyder’s Books
- [39:12] Closing Thoughts
- [41:15] Outro
Useful Resources:
Dr. Snyder’s Website I []
Essentially You Podcast I []
Dr. Snyder’s Facebook I []
Dr. Snyder’s Instagram I []
Dr. Snyder’s YouTube Channel I []
Dr. Snyder’s Pinterest I []
Dr. Snyder’s Books
The Essential Oils Menopause Solution I []
The Essential Oils Hormone Solution I []
The Matcha Miracle I []
The DASH Diet Cookbook I []
The Antioxidant Counter I []The Low GI Slow Cooker I []
Water Infusions I []
Antioxidantes I []
Dr. Snyder’s Products
Magnesium Restore I []
Activated B Complete I []
Hormone Balance I []
Progest-Restore I []
Adrenal Love I []
Vitamin D Complete I []
Women’s Daily Essentials Bundle I []
Liver Support Blend I []
Daily Energy and Hormone Support Bundle I []
DIM Complete I []
Zen Sleep I []
Sleep Bundle I []
Paleo Daily Protein I []
Paleo Daily Protein Chocolate I []
Pea Daily Protein Vanilla I []
Thyroid Support I []
Crave Reset I []
Calm & Restore I []
Metabolic Restore I []
Liver Support Essentials Bundle I []
14-Day Detox Kit I []
Vitamin C Boost I []
Pure Daily Fiber I []
Daily Self-Care Journal I []
Gut Restore I []
Immunity Bundle I []
Sleep & Stress Bundle I []
Enhanced Energy and Focus Bundle I []
Thyroid Essentials Bundle I []
Detox Re-Entry Kit: Pea Protein + Fiber I []
Neuro+ Support I []
Estrogen Support Kit I []
Metabolic Resent Bundle I []
Essential Gut Restore Bundle I []
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